Filename |
00221465211005704.pdf |
ATSDR - Vieques_Summary_Final_Report_English_2013.pdf |
ATSDR Report Espanol.pdf |
ATSDR Vieques_Summary_Final_Report_Spanish_2013.pdf |
Acosta Perez et al - Debates-contemporaneos-en-la-psicologia-comunitaria-Globalizacion-cambio-social-y-empowerment-comunitario.pdf |
Andreson et al - Interweaving knowledge resource to address complex environmental health challenges.pdf |
Araujo et al - Audio- & Echocardiograms in vibroacoustic disease.pdf |
Araujo et al - Echocardiography in vibroacoustic disease.pdf |
Arbona - Dangers in the air - Aerosol architecture and its invisible landscapes.pdf |
Bjorklund et al - Mercury exposure and its effects on fertility and pregnancy outcome.pdf |
Bobonis et al - Bombs and Babies - US Navy bombing activity and infant health in Vieques, PR.pdf |
Bobonis et al - Military training exercises, pollution, and their consequences for health.pdf |
Bonilla - Puerto Rico, Necropolis.pdf |
Bountress et al - Impact of exposure severity - Cascading effects across parental distress, adolescent PTSD symptoms, as well as parent-child conflict and communication.pdf |
Burrows - The new deal in PR - Public works, public health and the PR Reconstruction Administration, 1935-1955.pdf |
CDC PR Community Health Assessment.pdf |
CEPAL - Impacto economico de los desastres naturales en la infraestructura de salud.pdf |
CHNA_Vieques_DRAFT_ 6-20-16.docx |
Cano et al - Paleomicrobiology - Revealing fecal microbiomes of ancient indigenous cultures.pdf |
Capielo Rosario - That day no one spoke - Florida PRcans' reaction to H. Maria.pdf |
Caravanos - An assesment of the potential presence of carcinogenic materials at non-military industrial sites in Vieques, PR.pdf |
Castelo-Branco et al - Clinical protocol for evaluating pathology induced by low frequency noise exposure.pdf |
Centros_de_Apoyo_Mutuo - Reconfigurando la asistencia en tiempos de desastre.pdf |
Colon - The-Ongoing-After-Effects-of-the-US-Navy-Occupation-in-Vieques-Puerto-Rico.pdf |
Cruz Baez - Perfil socioeconomico de Vieques segun Censo poblacional.pdf |
Davila et al - Encuesta de salud reproductiva, PR 1995-96.pdf |
Dpto de Salud PR - InformeAnualEstadisticasVitales_1997_Mortalidad.pdf |
Draus - Substance abuse and slow-motion disasters - the case of Detroit.pdf |
Dyer - Survivorship, Infertility and Parenthood - Experiencing life after cancer in PR (dissertation).pdf |
Felsenstein et al - Cascades - Mapping the multidisciplinary landscape in a post-pandemic world.pdf |
Guzzardo et al - Reflexivity and humility evoke a transformable methodology in a post-disaster context.pdf |
Hoek - Military explosives and health - Organic energetic compound syndrome.pdf |
Jeffries & Nguyen - Impromptu learning - Unplanned occurrences , intended outcomes.pdf |
Jirau-Colon et al - Toxic metals depuration profiles from a population adjacent to a military target range (Vieques) and main island PR.pdf |
Johnson - Theoretical and conceptual background of CBQR.pdf |
Johnson - What is community-based qualitative research.pdf |
Kile et al - Variability in biomarkers of arsenic exposure and metabolism in adults over time.pdf |
Lafarga Previdi & Velez Vega - Health disparities research framework adaptation to reflect PRs sociocultural context.pdf |
Mahaffey - Mercury exposure - medical and public health issues.pdf |
Mansilla-Rivera et al - Assessing arsenic exposure from consumption of seafood from Vieques PR - A pilot biomonitoring study using different biomarkers.pdf |
Massol-Deya et al - Trace elements analysis in forage samples from a US Navy bombing range (Vieques PR).pdf |
Medina et al - Political power and health inequalities in Vieques PR.pdf |
Mizrahi - Cascading disasters, information cascades and continuous time models of domino effects.pdf |
Morgan - We're out here talking about life and death - Reprarations for human rights violations in Vieques, PR (MA thesis).pdf |
Morris et al - The political determinants of disaster risk - Assessing the unfolding aftermath of H. Maria for people with disabilities in PR.pdf |
O'Brien - Healthy, wealthy, wise - Psychosocial factors influencing the SES-health gradient.pdf |
Ortiz-Roque & Lopez-Rivera - Mercury contamination in reproductive age women in a Caribbean island - Vieques.pdf |
Ortiz Torres - Decoloniality and community-psychology practice n PR - Autonomous organising and self-determination.pdf |
Orton et al - What is the evidence that differences in 'control over destiny' lead to SES inequalities in health - A theory-led systematic review of high-quality long studies on pathways in the living environment.pdf |
Perez-Ramos - Qualitative assessment of environmental health risks peceptions and community challenges in a PRcan community - Change and continuity in response to Hs Irma and Maria.pdf |
Perez Perdomo - Epidemiology of diabetes - Prevalence, complications and health services disparities.pdf |
Perreira et al - Environmental scan of PRs health care infrastructure.pdf |
Perspectivas y Desafбos de la Salud Pгblica en IberoamВrica.pdf#page=41.pdf |
Pons - Las unidades de salud publica de PR (1952).pdf |
Quinones-Dominguez - Salud y medio ambiente.pdf |
Rigau-Perez - La salud en PR en el Siglo 20.pdf |
Sanderson et al - Civilian exposure to munitions-specific carcinogens and resulting cancer risks for civilians on the PRcan island of Vieques following military exercises from 1947-98.pdf |
Seguinot-Barbosa & Garcia-Rodriguez - Geografia medica y de la salud en el contexto de cambio climatico - El caso de PR 1998-2008.pdf |
Smith et al - Doctors for global health - Applying liberation medicine and accompanying communities in their struggles for health and social justice.pdf |
Thomas et al - The CHASMS conceptual model of cascading disasters and social vulnerability - The Covid-19 case example.pdf |
Torres - Organizing, educating, and advocating for health and human rights in Vieques, PR.pdf |
Turiano et al - Perceived control reduces mortaility risk at low, not high, education levels.pdf |
UPR Conferencia PRna de Salud Publica 2013 - La Encrucijada Social y Universitaria para la Salud.pdf |
UPR Conferencia PRna de Salud Publica 2013 - La Encrucijada Social y Universitaria para la Salud - RESUMENES DE TRABAJO.pdf |
Vassilopoulou et al. - An overview update in chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons and their effects in human health.pdf |
Velez-Velez - Moving memories in Vieques - Towards a memory approach in mobilization research.pdf |
Vilar et al - Genetic diversity in PR and its implication for the people of the island and W Indies.pdf |
Wargo - Crating environments that protect human health (Green Intelligence).pdf |
Wargo - Experiments on humans (Green Intelligence).pdf |
Wargo - Forgotten lessons (Green Intelligence).pdf |
Wargo - Mercury (Green Intelligence).pdf |
Wiscovitch-Russo et al - Pre-Columbian zoonotic enteric parasites - An insight into PRcan indigenous culture diets and life styles.pdf |
Youngers - Cocaine madness - Counternarcotics and militarization in the Andes.pdf |
Zheng et al - Associations between cadmium exposure and taste and smell dysfunction - Results from NHANES 2011-2014.pdf |
registro de cancer.pdf |